A new production model

At BeePlanet Factory we offer a leading second life energy storage solution with a clear focus: efficient sustainability.

We are committed to a change of model in the production of the products, in particular the batteries. We believe in an energy model based on the reuse of raw materials; since a model based on non-renewable energies leads to poverty, to a more polluting and more expensive energy system.

50% of the total emissions of the electric vehicle during its entire life cycle comes from the production process. At this point, recycling, smart charging strategies and second life applications contribute significantly by reducing the overall impact.


We evaluate the contribution that our products make to the environment and also their impact. We carry out an LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) assessment and according to this standard, we manage to save more than 4200 kg of CO2 over a complete life cycle compared to a new battery.

Raw materials

We have virtually zero impact on the use of raw materials and biodiversity in the ecosystems during the whole life of the product. This means not only no pollution, but also no use of critical raw materials with high extraction costs such as lithium or nickel


This is how we approach our business model: from dismantling, development, creation, sale and recycling.
We are integrated in a Collective System of Extended Producer Responsibility. Every time we place a battery on the market, we pay a fee. At the end of the battery’s life, our partner collects it and recycles it.
There are different methods such as hydrometallurgy or pyrometallurgy. The main objective is to extract those materials that are critical, such as lithium; and they can be reused in first life batteries for an electric vehicle.


Los Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de Naciones Unidas son el plan maestro para conseguir un futuro sostenible para todos. Son 17. Se relacionan entre sí e incorporan los desafíos globales a los que nos enfrentamos día a día, como la pobreza, la desigualdad, el clima, la degradación ambiental, la prosperidad, la paz y la justicia. En BeePlanet cumplimos ya con 4 de ellos.


The BeePlanet concept applies to everything we do and how we do it.

From opting for electric mobility or cycling to get to the office, to researching into biodegradable materials that generate the minimum waste for our packaging;
to collaborating in technological projects that help to take care of the planet.